I will be giving a talk on oscillator dynamics at…
Our paper on improved scheduling with a shared resource got the best paper…
Our paper on scheduling under a given testing budget was accepted at…
Earlier this year, our paper on exact plurality consensus was accepted at…
Our paper on fast consensus was accepted at SODA 2022! …
Our paper about a 50 year old rectangle packing problem was accepted at ICALP 2021! …
We won the Best Paper Award at SSS 2020! Thanks to…
Next Monday I'll be giving a short (5 min) virtual talk about our current [STOC paper](https://doi.org/10.1145/3357713.3384312) on…
I will be in New Orleans from January 6–11 attending both [29th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms](https://www.siam.org/meetings/da18/) and…